Israelis back Gantz over Netanyahu for next prime minister – poll – Israel Politics

Amid the intensification of IDF ground operations in Rafah and the northern Gaza Strip, continued sporadic shooting in the Gaza border area, the freezing of hostage negotiations, the next day’s heated debate in the Gaza Strip, the worsening situation in the north, events on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of Fallen Israeli Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism, and the 76th Independence Day of the State of Israel, a survey was conducted by Lazar Research, led by Dr. Menachem Lazar, in collaboration with Panel4All on the status of political parties. in Israel.

In the survey, conducted Wednesday and Thursday, 523 people participated, constituting a representative sample of the adult population of the State of Israel, aged 18 and over, Jewish and Arab. The maximum sampling error of the survey is 4.4%.

The results of the investigation, published by Maariv, show Benny Gantz leading Benjamin Netanyahu for prime minister with 45% support to 35%, with the gap narrowing slightly from 12% in the previous poll to 10% this time. Among Likud voters, Gantz reached 17%, Netanyahu reached 69% and 14% were unsure who to vote for. Among Yesh Atid voters, Gantz won 83% of those surveyed, Netanyahu received no votes among those surveyed, and 17% were unsure who to vote for. Among supporters of national unity, Gantz received 85% of the vote, Netanyahu received 5%, and 9% of respondents remained undecided.

The Likud party gained 2 seats, bringing its total to 19 in the survey, while National Unity lost two seats, falling to 30 total.

The survey also shows that Yesh Atid, Yisrael Beytenu, Religious Zionism, Meretz and Ra’am all received one seat each. However, Shas is weakening in terms of seats, while Labor is falling below the electoral threshold. New Hope and Yamina also did not pass the threshold for this investigation.

Poll results showing Benny Gantz ahead of Benjamin Netanyahu, May 2024. (credit: MAARIV)

In total, the coalition increased by two seats, to 49, and the opposition (without Hadash-Ta’al and Ra’am) decreased by 2, to a total of 61.

The challenge of tomorrow

According to the survey, about half of Israelis (48%) support Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s comments regarding the “day after” in the Gaza Strip, compared to 34% who support Netanyahu’s statements that there is no point in discussing the day. afterwards before overthrowing Hamas.

Data segmentation shows that even on the question of “tomorrow,” there is marked disagreement between supporters of right-wing parties, 84% of whom support Netanyahu, and 76% of center-left voters. parties, who think Gallant is right on the next day’s question. Among right-wing voters, 9% think Gallant is right, and 84% think Netanyahu is right. Less than 10% have no opinion on the subject. Among center-left voters, 76% think Gallant is right, 76% agree with Netanyahu and 9% have no opinion. Among Arab party voters, exactly half agree with Gallant, 4 percent agree with Netanyahu, and 46 percent have no opinion on the issue.

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