Mike Florio on whether the NFL will suspend Cam Sutton

Mike Florio

Cam Sutton is a Pittsburgh Steeler again, ready to help the team in 2024. But there’s no guarantee the NFL will allow him to play all 17 games this season. Although Sutton no longer faces criminal charges for domestic battery against his girlfriend, reduced to a misdemeanor, Roger Goodell could still step in and suspend Sutton based on the NFL’s domestic violence policy. Analyst and former attorney Mike Florio offered his thoughts on what the league could do.

“If he participates in a pretrial diversion program, then he will be subject to disciplinary action,” Florio said. 93.7 The fans Andrew Fillipponi and Chris Mueller. “But again, the question must be asked how aggressively the alleged victim will cooperate. They will be left with the facts that he admitted to in order to participate in this diversion program.

Florio graduated from West Virginia Law School and practiced law until 2009, when NBC Sports partnered with Pro Football Talk.

As part of dropping his felony charge, Sutton agreed to participate in a pretrial diversion program. Under his terms via ESPN, he is not allowed to contact the victim or possess a firearm and must undergo a mental health evaluation. It’s unclear exactly what level of culpability, if any, Sutton must admit to as part of the program. And that could play a key role in determining whether the NFL suspends him.

“If he were to admit that (the affidavit) is true as part of the conditions of joining the diversion program, if these facts are established and proven without requiring the cooperation of the alleged victim, then that will prepare him for measures potential disciplinary issues,” Florio said.

THE Tampa Bay Times shared details of the affidavit on April 3.

“During the argument, Sutton picked the woman up and threw her against a wall, then bit her on the neck, leaving a quarter-sized scratch that was bleeding,” the affidavit states. Sutton then grabbed the woman by the face and neck and choked her, causing her to briefly lose consciousness, according to the affidavit.

The altercation continued into the living room of the home, where Sutton held the woman by the hair and struck her twice with his fist, causing a knot to form on the woman’s forehead, the statement said. affidavit.

At the time his charges were dropped to a misdemeanor, Sutton’s attorneys released a statement saying Sutton and the mother of his children hoped to resolve the matter privately in the future. This means the NFL’s investigation may be limited to information from the diversion program. Florio explained that if Sutton completes the program, his record will be expunged as if these incidents never happened.

Nonetheless, the league has broad authority to impose whatever sanctions it deems appropriate. Following errors in the handling of the Ray Rice domestic violence incident, the NFL created a policy that suspends players six games for domestic violence. But the league has shown the ability to increase or decrease that number depending on circumstances. Ultimately, Mike Florio didn’t say the league would suspend Sutton, but he certainly sees that on the table.

It is impossible to predict how the NFL will act in the future. He has yet to comment since Sutton signed with the Steelers Wednesday morning. But the league certainly appears to have reason to impose some level of suspension on Sutton. It may be a question of whether the NFL intervenes before or after the season. Still, Pittsburgh must be ready to replace him before the season begins.

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