Kevin Costner fired ‘disrespectful’ Robert De Niro?

An online article reported: “The move will cost De Niro more than $30 million. ‘I gave him the role out of pity,’ Costner said.”

Image courtesy of Facebook

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Kevin Costner fired Robert De Niro from a new project and said: “He is disrespectful and doesn’t know when to shut up.”


On May 29, 2024, X user @NobodymrRobert posted a rumor about Oscar winners Kevin Costner and Robert De Niro. According to the post, Costner fired De Niro from a new project. Costner reportedly said of De Niro: “He’s disrespectful and he doesn’t know when to shut up.”

The X post from @NobodymrRobert featured a screenshot of another post from the Reagan Was Right Facebook page. A meme attached to that Facebook post read: “Robert De Niro fired from Kevin Costner’s new project: ‘He’s disrespectful and doesn’t know when to shut up.’ As of now, the post has received 80,000 likes, 11,900 comments, and 22,000 shares.

The Facebook post also had the following caption:

DeNiro stood to rake in at least $30 million from what Costner called a “pity role.”

“I gave it to him because he was having trouble finding work. Then he did this stunt in Lower Manhattan. I don’t need that kind of negativity on my set.”

Good choice. He is stranded.

The post’s mention of De Niro’s “Lower Manhattan stunt” referred to remarks the actor made on May 28 outside the courthouse where former U.S. President Donald Trump’s criminal trial was taking place in New York. York. According to the Associated Press, De Niro’s appearance was an official appearance organized by President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign.

It’s satire

As for the rumor, Costner hadn’t actually fired De Niro from any projects.

The Reagan Was Right Facebook page is one of several Facebook pages and websites that make up America’s Last Line of Defense (ALLOD) network of “satire” and “parody.” Additionally, the meme itself displays a “satire” rating label in its lower left corner.

Second message

Another ALLOD Network Facebook page posted an alternate version of this same meme, displaying the words: “Kevin Costner fires Robert De Niro from his new project: ‘He’s disrespectful and he doesn’t know when to shut up.’ Much like the post on the Reagan Was Right Facebook page, users interacted with this second post thousands of times.

The post included the following alternative text caption:

The move will cost DeNiro more than $30 million.

“I gave him the role out of pity,” Costner said. “I needed an aging Italian tough guy stereotype, and he does it well. But so do twenty other actors.”

We don’t yet know who could replace him.

“Tater News Cycle”

The author of the ALLOD Facebook page added a comment mocking users who believed the news to be true. The author wrote: “Yet another case of ‘follow the news cycle, see what has them outraged today and jump on it.’ Granted, De Niro doesn’t have the lasting appeal of someone like Whoopi Goldberg, but he should be around to catch some potatoes after Butguy is long forgotten. »

“If you are looking for the source of the story, look no further. No, literally. Look no further. You will find nothing. Please do not inform us of your research, there is no need to show your job. “

“For those of you who don’t care if it’s true or not, because half of what you’ve shared since 2016 is complete bullshit and you know it, congratulations on your feel-good victory for the day.”

“Taters” is a specific term that ALLOD uses to refer to the politically conservative voters to whom the content is aimed and who often believe the content on the page is authentic. The name “Butguy” referred to Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker.

For your information, here’s why we sometimes write about satire/humor.


Long, Colleen and Zeke Miller. “Biden campaign sends De Niro allies and first responders to Trump trial in New York to focus on January 6.” The Associated PressMay 28, 2024,

Jordan Liles is a senior journalist who has worked at Snopes since 2016.

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